Paintbrush offers classic edition tools: pen, selector, line, curve, eraser, geometric shapes, text, fill,...
The user can select the canvas size where he'll draw the picture, although it include some ones by default: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768.
The unit used is the pixel and you'll be able to export the files as JPEG, PNG, BMP and GIF.
In short, this is a lite and basic editor that can be useful for minor editions and it is really far from advanced image edition tools like Photoshop.
Paintbrush can be downloaded from Sourceforge here. Download Sketchbook or another free sketch/paint app from the Mac App Store If you want a more sophisticated app for sketching/drawing/painting specifically, the Mac App Store offers numerous free apps for this (as well as paid ones). Paintbrush is not intended to replace Adobe Photoshop or other high-end image editors. Instead, it aims to fill the need for a basic, streamlined, and Mac-native image editor. Whether you need to quickly crop a photo, add some text to an image, or just have fun doodling, Paintbrush has you covered. Download My PaintBrush: Paint and Edit for macOS 10.9 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. My PaintBrush is a useful multilayer paint and image editor. Use inspiring tools and brushes to create smooth images. My PaintBrush features highlights: 1 ) Familiar preset tools.
Paintbrush For Mac Os
NotesPaintbrush For Mac

Paintbrush For Macbook Pro
For Mac OS X 10.5 or higher. Tiger (10.4) users should download this version